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Slow Cooker Lamb Shanks are the ultimate in comfort food.  The meat just falls of the bone and tastes sooooo good.  It’s sometimes hard to believe that something that is relatively inexpensive in the meat department, and looks pretty unappetizing, can taste this good.  Ah, the beauty of the slow cooker.

What I love about this recipe is that there is no need to brown the shanks first.  So this is literally one of those recipes that you throw on in the morning and when you come home at night, dinner is ready.  Just cook up some potato mash or other accompaniment and your done.  Not only that, the smell of the lamb, red wine and honey is absolutely divine.

Slow Cooker Lamb Shanks

Slow Cooker Lamb Shanks

Slow Cooker Lamb Shanks


4 large lamb shanks, or 8 smaller ones
1 large onion, sliced
2 cloves garlic, sliced
1 tablespoon fresh oregano, chopped
2 cups tomato pureed tomatoes
250ml chicken stock
250ml red wine
¼ cup honey


As I said, this one is easy – put everything into the slow cooker, ensure the lamb shanks are coated in mixture.  Cook on low for 8 hours.  Serve with rice, vegetables or mashed potato.

The Klutzy Cook Notes

  • Any type of lamb shank can be used.  French trimmed lamb shanks are less fatty, but you can also buy the normal shanks (usually cheaper) and trim any excess fat and sinew off.
  • Dried oregano can be used instead of fresh.
  • For the pureed tomatoes use tomato passata or puree up a couple of tins of tomatoes.


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