Question: When is a bread not really a bread?
Answer: When it’s Bubble Bread
OK, I realise this needs some explaining so here goes. I recently made this ‘bread’ to go with a batch of soup (Pea and Ham) and although the recipe calls it ‘bread’, it came out more like a biscuit, than a bread. So, while it is a great recipe, I’m not sure that it should really be called a bread. Hope that clears things up 🙂
Regardless of whether it’s a bread or a biscuit, they are great little tasty morsels that ‘puff’ up on cooking (that’s the bubble part of the equation). I make them regularly now to go with soup and always make a double batch so there are leftovers for snacks and lunchboxes. As the author of the recipe said “Nice with soup, cheese or just on their own”.
Bubble Bread/Biscuits
Recipe from Breadmaking by Jill Graham
Makes 15 squares
1 cup plain flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon baking powder
60g tasty cheese, grated
3 teaspoons melted butter
4 tablespoons boiling water
Preheat the oven to 200C (390F). Grease a baking tray or line with baking paper.
Combine the flour, salt, baking powder and cheese in a bowl and mix together well. In a small bowl or jug, combine the water and butter well and pour over the dry mixture. Knead the ingredients together lightly until smooth (see notes below).
Roll the dough out on a floured surface to around 35 x 20 cm. Cut into 15 squares and place each square on the prepared tray. Bake for 10-12 minutes or until well puffed and golden.
The Klutzy Cook Notes
- When kneading, it’s best to use your hands, but do it gently. As you work the dough, if it feels dry and isn’t coming together, add more water a bit at a time. A good explanation for how to work the dough is here at the start of the method for my roti recipe.
- Don’t worry to much about the shape when rolling out the dough. Unless you want perfect squares, a close approximation to a rectangle will do. The dimensions above are more for an indication of how thick the final dough should be.
- This recipe is easily doubled to make extra. Just split the dough in half for rolling and prepare two pans.
If you have any questions or comments about the recipe, please leave them below. Plus, don’t forget to share the recipe with your friends (click the buttons below)!