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Golden Caramel Biscuits

Golden Caramel Biscuits

Any baking (or cooking for that matter) that only involves one bowl is always a hit in my books.  This simple recipe is one that my kids adore and request often.  Because it is so quick and easy, it is one I will often make up in the morning to put into lunchboxes. It...

Bubble Bread (or Biscuits)

Question:  When is a bread not really a bread? Answer:  When it’s Bubble Bread OK, I realise this needs some explaining so here goes.  I recently made this ‘bread’ to go with a batch of soup (Pea and Ham) and although the recipe calls it...

Painted Biscuits

These fantastic Painted Biscuits were the subject of a recent weekend cooking session with Maggie (see Chocolate Brownies).  For kids this is an ideal combination- cooking, painting then eating. First the kids can help to make a batch of biscuits and cut into any...

Reverse Chocolate Chip Cookies

Last Christmas my daughter received some great cooking cards as a gift, and ever since she trots them out on a regular basis and we pick a recipe to make together.  Although she’s a bit of a savoury girl, the sweet cards always seem to come out first, probably because...

Jam Drops

Jam Drops are one of those old-fashioned biscuits that everyone loves.  They are a beautiful buttery biscuit with a dollop of jam in the middle. There are many versions of Jam Drops but this recipe is my favourite as it consists of only a few staple ingredients and is...

Nanna’s Ginger Biscuits

The first thing my kids do whenever they visit their Nanna is raid the biscuit tin.  It’s always full of homemade goodies and their absolute favourites are Ginger Biscuits.  Nanna makes these by the truckload and no-one ever gets tired of eating them. We’ve started...

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