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The first thing my kids do whenever they visit their Nanna is raid the biscuit tin.  It’s always full of homemade goodies and their absolute favourites are Ginger Biscuits.  Nanna makes these by the truckload and no-one ever gets tired of eating them.

We’ve started making these at home too so that the wait between the rounds of Ginger Biscuits is not so long.  This easy baking recipe is a lot of fun to make with the kids (Maggie and Stewart helped me) as you can cut out all sorts of shapes and sizes.  The final result didn’t look beautiful but it sure tasted good!Ginger-Biscuits-with-kids

Nanna’s Ginger Biscuits


1 Cup Butter
¾ Cup Golden Syrup
¼ Cup Hot Water
4 Cups Plain Flour
2 Cups Sugar
½ Teaspoon Mixed Spice
1 Tablespoon Ground Ginger
1 ½ Teaspoons Bicarbonate of Soda


Preheat oven to 180C (350F).  Place the butter, syrup and water in a saucepan and melt together over low heat.  Stir well to combine.

Sieve all dry ingredients and add to butter mixture.  Use a wooden spoon to combine the ingredients together.  Then use your hands to make the mixture into a nice dough.

Ginger Biscuits Dough

Ginger Biscuits Dough

Roll the mixture into a ball and refrigerate for 1 hour.  Roll out dough and cut biscuits with scone cutters.  Bake in moderate oven (180C/350F) for 10 minutes.  Cool on wire racks before storing.

Ginger Biscuits - Not pretty, but tasty!

Ginger Biscuits - Not pretty, but tasty!

The Klutzy Cook Notes

  • The refrigeration process helps to firm up the dough.  If time doesn’t permit this (which it often doesn’t for me), you can reduce or cut out this step.  It has always still worked out for me.
  • This Ginger Biscuits recipe makes a lot of biscuits (Nanna likes to bake in bulk).  Halving the recipe works fine and will still give plenty of biscuits.
  • The recipe is also great for making Ginger Bread Men or other shaped biscuits.  We made angels, hearts and stars.
  • To decorate the Ginger Biscuits, use a paste of icing sugar and water.  This can be used to ‘glue’ decorations on or simply spread onto the biscuits as an icing.


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