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Now this recipe isn’t your traditional Teacake which is why it isn’t all one word in the title.  Confused?  Well normally a ‘teacake’ is made from a mixture of butter, sugar, eggs, flour and usually cinnamon beaten together to form light batter.

This Sultana Tea Cake has some of these elements, but the reason it’s Tea Cake is because ‘tea’ is a main ingredient.  The tea gives the cake a lovely brown colour and moistness.  Next time there is extra tea in the teapot, save it for this recipe.

This is the ultimate easy baking recipe with everything being mixed in one bowl and using only 5 ingredients.  A great recipe for the kids to help with.

Sultana Tea Cake

Adapted from Breast, Bottle, Bowl: The Best Fed Baby Book

Sultana Tea Cake

Sultana Tea Cake


1 cup cold, strong black tea
1 cup sugar
1 cup sultanas
1 cup self raising flour
1 egg, beaten


Preheat oven to 200C (400F).  Grease and line the base of a loaf tin.

Mix tea, sugar and sultanas.  Allow to soak for 2-3 hours.  Add egg and sifted flour and combine well.  Pour into prepared loaf tin.  Bake for 45 minutes or until cooked when tested in the centre with a skewer.

Please feel free to leave any questions or comments on this recipe below.

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